Anselmus D Atasoge


The harmony of diversity in religion-ethnic-culture- is the dream of all
pluralistic Indonesian components. Dialogue is one possibility as well as a
hope to make unity in diversity towards harmony despite of the pessimistic
feelings that there is no truly ideal dialogue and interfaith meeting happen.
The ideas and examples in this paper open up the optimistic feelings behind
the pessimism. That is, when ‘others’ become’ friends’ to be trusted, when
personal assumptions are changed and ‘Me’ and ‘Others’ recognize the
mistakes of each other in history that have passed through historical motions,
and when’ Me’ and’ Others ‘can move beyond dialogue to work together in a
society with its beginnings and small ways. At that point that’ Me ‘and’ others’
can overcome the history that has divided ‘me’ and ‘the other’ into two worlds
by line different sharp demarcation.

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